

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

We Live in a Box

Yes. Me and Jenny live in a box. 

Her washing machine broke, so they got another one, which also came with a huge box! 8D Naturally, we must do what could not be done in our childhood years, and make our own cardboard house!

It is currently a very nice house, that is still being improved : 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

First Leo Club Clean-Up!

本当に暑いですよ, おい

Today was very sunny. Very hot. But I had a lot of fun regardless ^_^

 We found carrots amongst the trash scattered
in the park.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Either I'm having serious allergy problems, or I've caught something. Since yesterday, I've been sneezing like CRAZY to the point where it gets difficult to breathe (extremely unpleasant).

I'm guessing it's allergies, but really? Difficult to breathe? Get lost, allergies!

Anyways, a few things to mention ...

Friday, September 16, 2011

Back it up a bit...

...Because I am once again behind on posts! I think someday this laziness will be the death of me (if not, then it'll be diabetes).

Anyways. Moving on, I volunteered at my school's Moon Festival for extra credit, took some random photos, etc etc.

My sexay (temporary, lol) tattoo 

Thursday, September 15, 2011



I'm going to start ending my blog posts with this^

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Shop 'Till Your Feet Hurt 8D

First, lemme just say that nothing beats having hot cocoa in the morning while watching Snake scream play through Silent Hill.

And then, there was yesterday. Which relates to the title. ^^; (I said shop till your feet hurt, because that's pretty much what happened to me.) x'DDD
After school, I went over to Jenny's house to hang a bit, then we went to Ala Moana so she could pick up some things. And try on others.
 Heels that made her like, 3in + taller. 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Yaayy updates.

I'll start on the day my mom, auntie, and I went shopping. I just got a *pretty cool* jacket and new pair of jeans, because I very much suck at shopping. Or maybe we just weren't looking at the right place <<that's probably it. But the important part is afterwards, when she treated us to McDonalds~ x9

FAWK, I JUST LOVE FRIES. In fact, I'm considering
accepting them as birthday gifts now.. LARGE ONLY,