

Sunday, February 27, 2011

まぼ とうふ!!

私の父は病気だ, だから私が料理していた。問題はありませんでした! (>▽<)b


兎に角, まぼ とはうまくなって。 私の父はそう言った! (>u<)/ (私は言及するのを忘れてた? 私の父は調理人ですよ!

だからこそ, 私は嬉しいです! (´∀`)v  


 終了! (* o *) これは美味しかった




Saturday, February 26, 2011

I have time, so...

I might as well update. Um..stuff happened, you know =w=;; Imma just put it up... (yes, this is why laziness is a sin "sloth"). Starting with Friday...at school! Messing with the camera's settings again! xD

Lol my friend made little paper people :3
 Halloween Natalie
Hiromichi ("Mitch")
 Bunny Natalie! :B lol

Nothing beats coming home from an exhausting day of school to 
a warm homemade meal of curry
Some tea I had. I love it (I drink it like, 1-2 times daily lol)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Blargh. I am tired.

Today, Jenny had this "celebrity" look and I of course was ready with my camera! Unfortunately, I forgot to get the back of her shirt (that she made herself) for my end of posting, so Imma have to use the one I took for her. Yesterday was also cool, because there was this crazy lightning show going on (I say lightning show because every few seconds or so, lightning struck, so it was like a show, in a way). Onwards to the pictures!

Jenny in the morning 
 The back of her shirt. I'm surprised she actually
was able to make it; when we saw it before I was 
like- :o
Lol Macie at lunchtime. Just taking pictures of each other :3

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A few stuff to say...

I am so proud..I managed to make chocolate-filled dango. v(**)v  Of course, I have pictures~

Stuff I used..
 The mixture in the bowl, and another bowl for putting the 
completed dango in.
 Lemme say that it is SUPER hard to properly put in the chocolate,
especially when it's shaped like...
..this. Not round at all...
Boiling them.
Icing them down so they don't give me 2nd-degree burns.
 What it looks like when split in half.
-OOZES- Melted chocolate is the bomb. Too bad it got 
on my shirt too, FML.
So, like, I'm kinda sick now, and I went for the good ol'
chicken noodle soup (with broccoli bits!) I'm still sick 
(this was from yesterday) so I dunno what to do. >.> 
I've been eating all my vegetable lately, and all my fruits, too! 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


It's kinda late, but I'm gonna put up some stuff from Valentine's day! And..maybe some other stuff, I dunno.

 For this Valentines section, I'll be typing all in pink.

Roses my dad gave my mom. She's so lucky, but
does not seem to realize it. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011


This time..I didn't have to wait too long before being able to sign back on (  \O/  ) so I can post generally yesterday's and today's. :3

My mom made mandoo/gyoza!! xD

 It was really rainy today..You probably can't tell in this
picture, but...it was.

Omigod, so like, I let Jenny turn my eye Gyaru lol.

Before (with eyelid glue)

After (with eyeliner, eyeshadow, fake lash, mascara)

It was actually kind of fun, seeing the difference-trust me,
there IS a LOT of difference! I may do it again sometime. Probably without the fake lash and extreme wing,
though. I pretty much don't wear makeup, except for cosplay. I might do it again, though (for a little plan Jenny and I have, ohohoho..)

 Sorry 'bout the grossness. No editing (for any of these),
that's why(lol). I really wish my skin was naturally
clear, but I don't think it's especially serious? <.< 

Lol, Jenny forgot to turn flash off here. But I love how it shows
that awesome brown which usually looks black

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Strangely, I've been getting more opportunities to go on the computer now..Anyways, so this here post is just me..talking about something.

So apparently I've been nominated to be a Ignition Mentor (practicing leadership, helping out freshmen, etc). I'm not really sure what to do. I guess I can be a leader sometimes, but the last time I had to be a orientation guide, I screwed up. God, I felt so crappy afterwards. Meh, that was then, this is now. I heard we would go to camp to...train, I guess (it'd be sooo cool if it was a martial arts training camp...up in the mountains...*u*. Anyways, I'm considering it-being able to help out freshmen and stuff. I hope if I do actually become one, I won't get some stuck-up freshmeat. Seriously, I'd have to kill myself (or them) if that happened (lol). Siggghhhh. I should, shouldn't I? I guess I can just check out the details at the meeting they're gonna have.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011


So like, I really have not been able to actually put everything I want on here, because I don't get much opportunities to go on the computer. And...I think now I'm just gonna have to load all the stuff into the day that I can get on [苛立つ]. Like now. (*=3=)

So I had Jajangmyun the other day, and it was delicious. 
'Cept it kept smacking across my chin, making it really messy.
(= n =)


Went over to Jenny's house, and she gave me... 


The unicorns <w<
So..she was finding the camels and biting off their humps. 
(later, I found a cow, which led to her trying to find the cows
so she can eat off their udders, lol. [STILL TALKING ABOUT

02/09/11 (today)

Today. Saw a really nice sky.. :3

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Punahou Carnival :DDD

So I went to Punahou carnival with Dianna, Jenny, and John today! It was really fun!! XD I ate yummy foods and rode crazy rides. I'll just explain the pictures as I go along.

Jenny telling Dianna a story (at Jenny's house)
 John and Dianna

 We saw a kitty in the window~
 The Fireball *0* Jenny and I never rode it, but John and 
Dianna did.
 The ZIPPER 8D Besssttt riiiide ever! It was spinning all over 
the place! xD
 The sign at nighttime.
 Waiting in line for the Zipper.

 IN THE ZIPPER [with Dianna]
 We were pretty high up :D
 Jenny eating her saimin.
John eating his ice cream.
In line for the Super Sizzle, I think. It was crazy
because Jenny and Dianna were basically smashing
into me and John. I feel especially sorry for John, 
because he took the impact of all of our weight!
 Just chilling.
 Jenny looking through John's phone. Actually,
it was his mom's, lol. His needs a charger, so..
 She was reading a story to us :)


It was a really awesome day, and we came home 
around..7 or so. My feet kinda hurt, but it was all worth it!
