

Saturday, February 12, 2011


This time..I didn't have to wait too long before being able to sign back on (  \O/  ) so I can post generally yesterday's and today's. :3

My mom made mandoo/gyoza!! xD

 It was really rainy today..You probably can't tell in this
picture, but...it was.

Omigod, so like, I let Jenny turn my eye Gyaru lol.

Before (with eyelid glue)

After (with eyeliner, eyeshadow, fake lash, mascara)

It was actually kind of fun, seeing the difference-trust me,
there IS a LOT of difference! I may do it again sometime. Probably without the fake lash and extreme wing,
though. I pretty much don't wear makeup, except for cosplay. I might do it again, though (for a little plan Jenny and I have, ohohoho..)

 Sorry 'bout the grossness. No editing (for any of these),
that's why(lol). I really wish my skin was naturally
clear, but I don't think it's especially serious? <.< 

Lol, Jenny forgot to turn flash off here. But I love how it shows
that awesome brown which usually looks black

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