

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Strangely, I've been getting more opportunities to go on the computer now..Anyways, so this here post is just me..talking about something.

So apparently I've been nominated to be a Ignition Mentor (practicing leadership, helping out freshmen, etc). I'm not really sure what to do. I guess I can be a leader sometimes, but the last time I had to be a orientation guide, I screwed up. God, I felt so crappy afterwards. Meh, that was then, this is now. I heard we would go to camp to...train, I guess (it'd be sooo cool if it was a martial arts training camp...up in the mountains...*u*. Anyways, I'm considering it-being able to help out freshmen and stuff. I hope if I do actually become one, I won't get some stuck-up freshmeat. Seriously, I'd have to kill myself (or them) if that happened (lol). Siggghhhh. I should, shouldn't I? I guess I can just check out the details at the meeting they're gonna have.


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