Since my last post, I guess I got through my first semester of college, got new glasses, ate more food, bought more tea, and watched more movies
I'm in the 'new' house now, and I quite like it (a bit late, seeing as I've been living here for many months now) although I still dream of my old house and sadly don't live 6 floors above Jenny anymore, hahah. On the bright side, I live closer to food places and cafes and pricey clothing stores (as if I really step outside my house for much things besides school and work).
Kawaii Kon is coming up in a bit over a month now, and somehow I'm less and less excited about it-well no, I'm still excited about attending but I have costumes to finish which generally is unpleasant to think about LOL. It's probably because it just adds on to currently-existing stress of college.
Drop in some random pictures from the past half year or so

Post-Sherlock s3 hahah. I sometimes think about how I'd like
my hair to be permanently that short and curly but then I think
about my ombre and how long it took to grow my hair and go
"Nah, maybe in a few years or so"

my most recent colored drawing
and self portrait wheeee
and self portrait wheeee
I've pretty much sold my soul to Tumblr so everything goes on there or fb now OTL
But don't worry blogspot, I haven't forgotten you. Years from my life are on here after all.
Whoo! Back to Tumblr now, I guess.
But don't worry blogspot, I haven't forgotten you. Years from my life are on here after all.
Whoo! Back to Tumblr now, I guess.
Until next time