Miye, you rich person! xD

Thursday, June 30, 2011
Damn I need to stop procrastinating on posts (Part 2)
To celebrate Vivian's birthday, we partied at Miye's building's pool ^^ Me and Jenny were the first ones there, apparently. Even though we got lost. For the second day in a row. T_T Anyways, I'll just talk about it as I go along..
Damn I need to stop procrastinating on posts (Part 1)
Uh, I dunno where to start really.. Or how far back I have to go. Due to my laziness, I'll just go back to Saturday's Bon Festival. Me and Jenny decided to make yukatas (custom made aww yeaaah..albeit a little crappy :b) Fawking hell, this was probably one of, if not THE worst clothes project we did. HEAVY PROCRASTINATING and other things took a toll on my health. I got a cold for two days, and I felt like SHAT. The yukatas were really cool and all, but few things were wrong such as length, design amount itsupposed to have two layers, etc. BUT. It was very good for first timers, so I commend us, especially Jenny for the sewing, on that. :) Oh, and as a final note : MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHERE TO GO BEFORE WE GO PLACES, JENNY. \(ToT)/
Getting to work. I got blue fabric. We used Jenny's happi
coat as a base design. :)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
QC Phase lol
Yup, my Silent Hill phase passed...back onto the Quest Crew phase. DAMN they are so cool *w* I've really been debating over who my favorite member is, but they're all so freaking awesome it's hard to decide~! >x( I've narrowed it down to three. There's Steve with his epic martial arts-ness :3 And there's D-trix who is so cool-he can air flare with his legs through a chair (hey that rhymed! xD But seriously, he can. ) And then there's Hok--aka King Tut! (+v+) All the members of Quest are just so talented and have quite a sense of humor, from what I've seen~ I don't think anyone I know could surpass them (at this point, anyway.) xDDD Er, but as much of a fan I am (lol more rhyming!) I would not actually want to meet them real life, because I'd just go CRAZY... and no one wants to see that =w=;;
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Day out with Shanni ^^
Met up with Shanni to do a little shopping and stuff today :) We went Shirokiya, Victoria's Secret, Claires, Aeropostale, Bath and Body Works, and some other places. We also took Purikura pictures and had bubble drinks/shave ice. x)
I want this for Chrismas~ LOL JK IM KIDDING.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Picnic + Beach
So we had a casual cosplay (only me, Allie, and Cassy did) picnic day. Originally, the plan was to be me, Macie, Allie, Cassy, and Archer, but Macie got sick and couldn't come. :( Then two other people showed up, one being Allie and Cassy's friend, and the other being that friend's friend. [Marcus and Grant].
Ready to go! (I liked my hair here, so I wanted a picture
before I stick on my wig xD JENNY YOU STILL NEED TO
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
New cut + SH phase
So as the title mentions, I did indeed get a haircut, and I now have bangs. It's really fun to play with because it's (for some reason) thick enough to pull across my forehead to create straight bangs where I look like an Egyptian! xD But I prefer to leave it off to one side. I look extra japanese, I think, with the bangs :B Anyways, the second part of the title refers to what I call "Silent Hill Phase." As in, I'm totally in love with Silent Hill at the moment, so I'm just watching a whole bunch of SH videos :) I like it because it has mind fawks and stuff that make the story interesting. Right now, I'm into SH6 Homecoming! >:3
Saturday, June 11, 2011
First of all : WTF. JASON PRACTICALLY SLEPT OVER. NOT EVEN JENNY GOT TO YET. >:I They played a lot of game. Seriously. I won't really go into detail about that, but he stayed until almost 7am if I remember correctly. I crashed a while before he left, I think. Anyways, after that, Jenny and I went to Alexis's house to play with her kitties~
My dad bought some Dango powder and sweet bean paste :3
Thursday, June 9, 2011
That kinda hurt. (Blood warning ^_^;)
So like, I was totally betrayed by my favorite knife, lol. ...Apples are round and kind of slippery, and so the knife slipped and cut my finger. Fortunately, Jason was also there, so he helped stop the bleeding while Brian ran around the house finding things to help with the bleeding (Brian said if Jason wasn't there, he'd call 911 out of panic-but I can't blame the guy, I was bleeding quite a bit ^^;) It was a little funny, now that I think about it..I was screaming for them not to run it under water first (because when I tried, the blood wouldn't stop flowing), but when that was over, I screamed for them not to use the hydrogen peroxide <<this one hurt quite a bit, but at least it cleaned out the wound. Although I did get dizzy and nauseous, I didn't cry xD
LOL Jason was gripping my arm so tightly that it left a print! xD
Saturday, June 4, 2011
ご免なさい, 私は怠惰な人です。 Orz
So I haven't updated in quite some time, I think. Mostly because I was lazy, ahaha... .__. Anyways, time to do a little recollecting of my memories these past few days.. LOL I just realized this is mostly a food entry-but hey, FOOD IS IMPORTANT.
I got around to eating the oranges my aunty brought.
'Tis a lovely color.. ♥
Jonie's mom's birthday was the other day, and she
gave us like, HALF of her cake! xDDDD THANK YOU SO
THE KIMCHEE. <<I can now make kimchee pancakes *w*
THE KIMCHEE. <<I can now make kimchee pancakes *w*
This was the lunch I made my mom (I've been making
her lunch all this week, actually, but this is the one I'm
most proud of! Contains rice, sausages, eggs, and unagi ^^
The picture I drew for Hiromichi for his birthday, since
I can't see him directly, I sent it to him on fb xD
My dad gave me some...chocolate things whose name
escapes my mind. Oh well, it was delicious, in any case. :9
My mom brought back-specifically chocolate chip-cookies~

Although Brian is the one who brought these smexy lil'
thangs (lol) my mom actually paid for them, so thank you
to both! xD
As I side note, I'm pretty happy, because Jonie has been coming over more often! It seems
my mom has finally accepted the fact that we will see her one way or another. xD
- おわり-
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