

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Went shopping with my auntie. AGAIN :)

So first, we went to Ala Moana so she could take care of a anti-theft sensor clip thing that the cashier forgot to take off (yet it didn't beep when she left, OR when we came back with it!). Then she got some more clothes, and she got my mom stuff too. After, we stopped at Yogur Story to have some early-ish dinner and dessert.


The colors reminds me of Louboutin(?)
Shoes. Had to stare at 'em for almost a whole hour while 
waiting for my auntie. =__=
Got really bored so I just watched a couple videos I never 
seem to get tired of :3

I like the style of the mannequin on the left's outfit. :D
Ann Taylor bag. Looks interesting., Has my mom's stuff in it.

Row of Chanel stuff. I was so tempted to push the lip products
because they look like buttons.
Some frozen yogurt at Yogur Story. I put a good amount of 
chocolate things to make up for the fact they had no chocolate-
flavored yogurt!

Random pictuuuure.
Ooh, the yogurt looks fabulous heeere LOL
The meal we ordered. It wasn't bad. :o
Random pic.
Dayeum. I could've edited away those
spots on my cheeks. But lately I've been too
lazy to edit any pictures so its all natural, baby! :D

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