

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chinese New Years Festivaaaal

So, first I went to Jenny's house and her mom kindly let me stay for 'dinner' (it was really early, so..). After we finished, we set off for China town, and etc..

 The dinner. I had -jasmine- rice with chicken and spicy ahi. The 
chicken had this reaaallly good tasting sauce :9
 Jennyyyy :D
 Got a bubble drink there, too.
Saw part of a martial arts performance. Very cool.
Err..no comment.
I liked these. They would be good if I were trying to draw 
fighting poses :D
Pretty glowing stars we saw.
I think these were those crystals that swell and turn soft when 
soaked in water.
One of the many cute dogs we saw there. It's name was "Kuma" :p
 One of the Vitasoy I bought -mango-
The other one.
 Me and Jenny ;D
Two cute phone charms I bought. Had to tie the ribbon myself
because it was loose when I bought it. Very cute, though (and
I think I tied it nicely, too) :DDD


So I'm feeling kinda wack and forgetful, so I'll just post pictures and explain them :D

 Jenny got a new cameraaa~apparently it's still
in the 'digital camera' category. But it shoots awesome pics. :D

 Better version of her camera, ironically taken with 
my phone camera.
 She gave me some apple iced tea after we got back from
jogging. She also gave melona, but I was too busy lying down
and eating it, trying to cool off, to take a picture.
 Her and her cameraaa.
So she applied some eyelid glue on my eye [test] to see
how it would turn out. This is the result. Damn.

Another day (Friday, to be specific)

 Man, it was soooo epic!!! They did this really awesome flip
finale when getting off the poles! XOOOO
 For lunch we had potato smilies :)
John gave me a really cute keychain and hand sanitizer that smells like cupcake frosting or something :DDD

Later that day....

So...Jenny and I went Ala Moana yesterday, and while she read 
magazines, I played TWEWY. I thought this scene was really cute :3
My DS was dying, so I turned it off and grabbed the book
from the AR series that I hadn't read yet. Next time we go, I 
want to read the rest :)
 FLUFFIEST WHITE DOG I EVER SAW (in real life). It was like, a
living cotton ball!!!! xO

OH MY GOD. I came over to her house later because we were supposed to watch Supernatural, but instead Nikita showed (we kinda hate that show now, because of this event). Then we find out it's NEXT WEEK FRIDAY instead. Jenny said she wanted to Spartan kick the TV, lol.

Jenny also gave me some Jelly.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Today, I....

Walked to Taiyo to meet my mom, 'cept she was still working so I had to wait. It woulda sucked, except she gave me some KIMCHEE FRIED RIIIIICE [♥♥♥♥] Ohohoho. Anyways, afterwards we went to Ala Moana and got my new phone (o≧▽≦)/ It's pretty sweeeet~
On another-depressing-note, Jonie left. And we didn't even get to meet. Tch. I was supposed to give her something, too! ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ . I am so PISSED. And kinda sad. Oh well.......until next time, Jonie! (T__T)/   

 I got a HUGE mound of kimchee fried rice. I think
the people who work there like my mom, lol. 

Friday, January 21, 2011


明日。。。 ジョーニ-ちゃん は カリフォルニアに戻ります。 私はジョーニ-ちゃんに行ってほしくないです。けど。。。いつか。。。私は ジョーニ-ちゃんに再度会います。絶対に。 兎に角 。。。次。。。

 かわいい!! ♥♥

オリジナル ジャンプが見つけられるうううう!!!

ジョーニ-ちゃあああん~! (゚Д゚l|l)


-さよなら, ジョーニ-ちゃん-

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

BRIAN IZ GAWWWN. [01/17/11]

;__; After Brian left, Jonie and I hung out for the (more or less) rest of the day. We went Ala Moana, as well as took pictures [Purikura]. It was fun :3 My mom also got a new phone, and I'm expecting mines when the shipping comes in <,< . Gu. Tired.

 Brian's last time in his room (until the next break, 
that is).
At the airport
The buildings kinda reminded me of someplace
from Halo...2, I believe it was >.>
My auntie checkin out the Odwalla
ME checking out the Odwalla (lol, I LOVE
I picked the mango one. 
Their last time (for awhile) together in Hawaii ;___;
 Saw a random panda plushie there.
CRAZY (and cute) err..bicycle..cover?

*Additional pictures from Jonie*

 Haha..me and Kuromi
Me and bubble drink [honeydew; I LOVE honeydew]