

Friday, July 29, 2011

Brief update before I return to my work.

So I still have a ton of stupid AP English homework to do, and I'm making slow progress. But before I continue, I want to empty out my camera because pictures have been building up from lack of update.

 HAHA, SUCKERS! They didn't think I'd have LIBRA and see all
their stupid traps! >8D

Jenny. Being a BOSS with Brian's sunglasses.
One of the best ideas ever. I suggested we put the laptop on
my stepladder for easier viewing 

I could eat these lovely things all day~(even if it wasn't my favorite
meat one).

 Gross blister I obtained from the Mentor sleepover/training.

 I just LOVE meat and lettuce together x'9 So friggin' delish. 

 Jonie brought MUFFINS OVER. They were very soft and sweet :3

 Making spam musubi for my dad ^^

I packed mini ones to go so he can eat them for lunch at his workplace.


 Jonie and Brian. :)

 Jonie was jumping out of happiness when her favorite song came

 Just making sure the Len outfit still fits. Plus, I got
around to painting the shoes and making new headphones (and
I remembered to include the banana!)

 My Mickey poster WIP.

 Completed, yo. B) Freshmen better like it!

My cute erasers, haha. The two drinks on the left are from Shanni, and
the cup noodle (with the noodles out on the far left) is from my
japanese teacher, haha.

 EEUGH. I'm so glad I decided to clean the stove. And much
thanks to Jonie for helping me!! 

For some reason, our faces caught most of the flash. Whut.
But anyways, the difference from afar.

 Making pancakes on the newly cleaned stove.

YES. Perfect brown for it! xD (for some reason, I make pancakes
much better than usual with the presence of Jonie lol)

 Blue badger..

 Jenny recommended this for mask use. I don't like the smell, 
but I hope it works well! (yeah, that's my Len headphones in the
background lol)

Oh, it's just Jonie :b She's indeed very white (her face moreso 
because it was pretty much the only area that has full sunlight 
on it lol).

NOW THEN. I must get back to working on AP Eng homework. ..I really wanted to finish before 
Saturday (tomorrow), but I just don't think it's possible anymore. Gawrsh. Stupid assignment.
Good luck to Jenny, Dianna, and whoever else also needs to finish it as well...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, your Len cosplay is so adorable~ <3