Let's start with the Yakiniku for celebrating his return. :)
Sorry for bad quality. These were taken with shaky phone camera =w=;
HAY THAR MR. FISHY. You must be quite the old fishy.
(I've seen it here for a long time now :3)
(I've seen it here for a long time now :3)
I ordered Salmon, 'cept in this picture I already ate one and
half of another (forgot about picture-taking, aha..)
SHIKHYE/rice punch :D
finished with mines..
finished with my uncle's.. (he didn't want it)
..and finished with Brian's! (he didn't want it either ^^)
MOVING ON.. So I spent the next day hanging out with Brian
For the last day of the Happy Hour special, we headed over to
Starbucks and I got a Strawberry cream frap again, and he got..
mocha frap? Ahahaha, I forgot.
This is his way of testing to see if the pillow is good enough to
sleep on.
Testing again.
I made Mabo Tofu again, 'cept this time was twice more than usual,
because we all know about Brian's rambunctious appetite xD
Yup. Twice as much.
Oh, one of my favorite Korean drinks...I love its sweetness
Still unpackin', that boy.
One of my favorite snacks. I actually don't know what they're
called (will ask my mom later) but they are quite fun to eat,
and taste pretty good too.

Watching Brian play Amnesia. Gosh that game is just a load of
fun to watch. :D
- おわり-
Yeah, I'm gonna start putting that ^ now. :)
If I remember.
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