I feel like I haven't updated in forever, so let's see...
I've been practicing my photography, and I really love mornings purely
for this reason (otherwise, I'd rather sleep in until the afternoon...

Sunday, October 16, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Loveless Progress
Urgh, I've been so lazy this past week ... I think the only thing I've really worked on so far was the Loveless book (Genesis) for Anthony lol (this is probably why my mom remarks that if I get any Cs, my cosplay life is over until I bring it up).
So I really hope I get no Cs. Gah, I'm so nervous! >o< -I'll probably still be doing cosplay anyway, but like a ninja, haha- >w>
Moving on... :
So I really hope I get no Cs. Gah, I'm so nervous! >o< -I'll probably still be doing cosplay anyway, but like a ninja, haha- >w>
Moving on... :
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
We Live in a Box
Yes. Me and Jenny live in a box.
Her washing machine broke, so they got another one, which also came with a huge box! 8D Naturally, we must do what could not be done in our childhood years, and make our own cardboard house!
It is currently a very nice house, that is still being improved :
Saturday, September 24, 2011
First Leo Club Clean-Up!
本当に暑いですよ, おい。
Today was very sunny. Very hot. But I had a lot of fun regardless ^_^
Today was very sunny. Very hot. But I had a lot of fun regardless ^_^
We found carrots amongst the trash scattered
in the park.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Either I'm having serious allergy problems, or I've caught something. Since yesterday, I've been sneezing like CRAZY to the point where it gets difficult to breathe (extremely unpleasant).
I'm guessing it's allergies, but really? Difficult to breathe? Get lost, allergies!
Anyways, a few things to mention ...
I'm guessing it's allergies, but really? Difficult to breathe? Get lost, allergies!
Anyways, a few things to mention ...
Friday, September 16, 2011
Back it up a bit...
...Because I am once again behind on posts! I think someday this laziness will be the death of me (if not, then it'll be diabetes).
Anyways. Moving on, I volunteered at my school's Moon Festival for extra credit, took some random photos, etc etc.
Anyways. Moving on, I volunteered at my school's Moon Festival for extra credit, took some random photos, etc etc.
My sexay (temporary, lol) tattoo
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Shop 'Till Your Feet Hurt 8D
First, lemme just say that nothing beats having hot cocoa in the morning while watching Snake scream play through Silent Hill.
And then, there was yesterday. Which relates to the title. ^^; (I said shop till your feet hurt, because that's pretty much what happened to me.) x'DDD
After school, I went over to Jenny's house to hang a bit, then we went to Ala Moana so she could pick up some things. And try on others.
Heels that made her like, 3in + taller.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Yaayy updates.
I'll start on the day my mom, auntie, and I went shopping. I just got a *pretty cool* jacket and new pair of jeans, because I very much suck at shopping. Or maybe we just weren't looking at the right place <<that's probably it. But the important part is afterwards, when she treated us to McDonalds~ x9
FAWK, I JUST LOVE FRIES. In fact, I'm considering
accepting them as birthday gifts now.. LARGE ONLY,
Sunday, August 28, 2011
08/27/11 Centerstage show
Me and Jenny took part in the show held at Ala Moana Centerstage on August 27, 2011 (yes, yesterday). I hadn't changed into my pants yet, so Sakura and few others formed a barrier (facing the opposite direction, of course) around me as I changed by Sakura's car (the door was opened so it would block me, like a partition).
They're so awesome.
Anyways, we headed over to centerstage to get ready for the show. I didn't get much pictures, but I'm pretty sure other people did :3
They're so awesome.
Anyways, we headed over to centerstage to get ready for the show. I didn't get much pictures, but I'm pretty sure other people did :3
Jenny as Rin. Luckily, Sakura let her borrow a wig (even though it's
the wrong length and color).
Friday, August 26, 2011
Wow, I am one heckuva lazy ho lol...
...I'm just kidding. It's just that I've been quite busy lately, so I didn't have much of an opportunity to update.
Fashion show is tomorrow, I've got homework to do, and maybe I'll be meeting Hiromichi tomorrow to pick up a hoody to do some Matryoshka design on (I have a feeling I may be the one doing that).
Pretty much this entire week was devoted to finishing up Jenny's and my costumes, and my goodness, I don't even know how we manage.
This first bit is from around the week when Brian left (he left Monday).
Fashion show is tomorrow, I've got homework to do, and maybe I'll be meeting Hiromichi tomorrow to pick up a hoody to do some Matryoshka design on (I have a feeling I may be the one doing that).
Pretty much this entire week was devoted to finishing up Jenny's and my costumes, and my goodness, I don't even know how we manage.
This first bit is from around the week when Brian left (he left Monday).
Saturday, August 20, 2011
[Warning: long-ish image-heavy entry]
...Jonie left today. Back to college. I couldn't bear to see her off, though, because I was sure I was going to cry. Which I did regardless, but at least she didn't see it. ^_^;; Now...I'll have to wait about 5 months until I can see her again (in person, that is). So I won't be sad anymore, because it's not a goodbye. It's an until we meet again ;)
I gave her this before she left. :b
Friday, August 12, 2011
Food and..other things.
I really don't like it when my camera is loaded with pictures, so I decided to transfer them today although I should be studying for my AP English test. Stuff from different days, because of my lack of commitment and stuff for making posts on time. Orz
This first bit is when Jenny, my mom, and I went to watch
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt.2 xD
Mandoo/Gyoza-so freaking delicious.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Photo shoot~
Since Jenny's camera finally came in, we were able to do a decent photo shoot! x) I did Len and Mukuro (it's been a long time o_o), while she did (Y)uni :3 I'll skip ahead to the pictures ^^
For this photo shoot, I thank my 2 good friends Jenny and Jonie (lol J J). Jenny, because she helped prep, was definitely involved, and it was her camera! Jonie, because she gave me the contact lens that generally complete Len. :3
*Photos of me taken by Jenny, and of course, photos of Jenny taken by me ^^ Many shots of me because Jenny appears to be shutter-button-happy (like trigger-happy, except with a camera lol)
For this photo shoot, I thank my 2 good friends Jenny and Jonie (lol J J). Jenny, because she helped prep, was definitely involved, and it was her camera! Jonie, because she gave me the contact lens that generally complete Len. :3
*Photos of me taken by Jenny, and of course, photos of Jenny taken by me ^^ Many shots of me because Jenny appears to be shutter-button-happy (like trigger-happy, except with a camera lol)
Because Jenny likes to take pictures randomly. But I
quite like this shot. More or less expresses my character lol.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Brief update before I return to my work.
So I still have a ton of stupid AP English homework to do, and I'm making slow progress. But before I continue, I want to empty out my camera because pictures have been building up from lack of update.
HAHA, SUCKERS! They didn't think I'd have LIBRA and see all
their stupid traps! >8D
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Instructions, Easy, Normal, Hard
Because I can.
There's this one point where the missiles will just come flying
at you from both sides, at all levels, and you're just like WTF.
I'm not sure what my highest score was, but this is
just one of my results =w=
Ignition Sleepover
So Friday morning, I had to get up "early" (just earlier than usual, lol) and head over to school, where the Ignition training would take place. At first I was extremely reluctant to go, seeing as there'd be many others whom I didn't know [ちょっと 面倒臭いですよ] ... But later I enjoyed it more, as I was able to talk to people and do activities with them. Unfortunately I didn't bring my camera, so all these pictures are from my phone, which I barely had with me anyway. Orz
Ignition shirt! It's quite...something..this year o_o
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Shit happens.
Gah, I need to get working on my summer homework. Why, oh why, must I be an overachiever (this time 'round, anyway). Damn. Anyways, recently I've relived the awesome experience of playing the Spongebob game from my childhood. Playing it again made me SUPAH happy xD I'll go over the other stuff later.
Made some kimchee fried rice with Brian lololol. It was surprisingly
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
I finally got the sheet music for this song I love printed out, so I'm muddereffing practicing HARDCORE on this song! I'm putting this here as a reminder to keep practicing. *o* And maybe I can surprise a certain someone with my mad skillz on this song xD
Monday, July 11, 2011
Another avalanche of shat to write about. Yay. First, I'll bring up the day before the party. I met Macie at Walmart so we could do some shopping for the cake/brownie we were going to make for the party.
Macie's bag... =w=
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Another group-blog. What I mean by group-blog is that I put together posts from different days because I'm too lazy to do it that day. Haha.
So raciiiiist.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
When Jenny comes over, strange things happen. Usually.
Before I go more into the details of the title, I have one small thing I want to put up beforehand. If you decide not to clean out your lint tray after each load, or like me, decide to wash 3+ towels along with all your whites, you might get something like this :
Moving on..
First, we had some ice cream cake, nutella toast (well actually only I did at the time because Jenny was nice
enough to bring over nutella ^^), and this..korean cereal tea (which is quiiiite grainy) >_>
Then things got crazy. I brought out one of my coloring sets which has a chalklike, uh..consistency. I only did what you are about to see ONCE before, and it wasn't even as extreme. Ahaha.....
What we did : Jenny - drew in fake eyebrows, anime eyes over her eyelids, blush
Me : DBZ eyebrows , horror clown mouth, mustache, eyelining (with blue marker lol), comic like red cheek circles, waterfall tears, and uh, weird nose defining thing.
Next time, we should get even stronger colors-then it'll REALLY pop out! x)
Oh shat. xD
This is probably the best example of mines. You can see EVERYTHING 8D
Thanks for being crazy with me, Jenny xDDDD
Friday, July 1, 2011
御誕生日おめでとう, ブライアン
First we went out for some Yakiniku~Got my favorite type, too! We were able to chat about things we normally had no time for! Afterwards, we headed home with stuffed tummies to... ICE CREAM CAKE. My auntie wanted to try "something new" apparently. WHY NOW. I asked you to get me ice cream cake for like, 2 years already >n<* Damn. Well she said she'd get me mint chocolate ice cream cake next year, so I guess I'll look forward to that. x3
Extremely cute decor~
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Damn I need to stop procrastinating on posts (Part 2)
To celebrate Vivian's birthday, we partied at Miye's building's pool ^^ Me and Jenny were the first ones there, apparently. Even though we got lost. For the second day in a row. T_T Anyways, I'll just talk about it as I go along..
Miye, you rich person! xD
Damn I need to stop procrastinating on posts (Part 1)
Uh, I dunno where to start really.. Or how far back I have to go. Due to my laziness, I'll just go back to Saturday's Bon Festival. Me and Jenny decided to make yukatas (custom made aww yeaaah..albeit a little crappy :b) Fawking hell, this was probably one of, if not THE worst clothes project we did. HEAVY PROCRASTINATING and other things took a toll on my health. I got a cold for two days, and I felt like SHAT. The yukatas were really cool and all, but few things were wrong such as length, design amount itsupposed to have two layers, etc. BUT. It was very good for first timers, so I commend us, especially Jenny for the sewing, on that. :) Oh, and as a final note : MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHERE TO GO BEFORE WE GO PLACES, JENNY. \(ToT)/
Getting to work. I got blue fabric. We used Jenny's happi
coat as a base design. :)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
QC Phase lol
Yup, my Silent Hill phase passed...back onto the Quest Crew phase. DAMN they are so cool *w* I've really been debating over who my favorite member is, but they're all so freaking awesome it's hard to decide~! >x( I've narrowed it down to three. There's Steve with his epic martial arts-ness :3 And there's D-trix who is so cool-he can air flare with his legs through a chair (hey that rhymed! xD But seriously, he can. ) And then there's Hok--aka King Tut! (+v+) All the members of Quest are just so talented and have quite a sense of humor, from what I've seen~ I don't think anyone I know could surpass them (at this point, anyway.) xDDD Er, but as much of a fan I am (lol more rhyming!) I would not actually want to meet them real life, because I'd just go CRAZY... and no one wants to see that =w=;;
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Day out with Shanni ^^
Met up with Shanni to do a little shopping and stuff today :) We went Shirokiya, Victoria's Secret, Claires, Aeropostale, Bath and Body Works, and some other places. We also took Purikura pictures and had bubble drinks/shave ice. x)
I want this for Chrismas~ LOL JK IM KIDDING.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Picnic + Beach
So we had a casual cosplay (only me, Allie, and Cassy did) picnic day. Originally, the plan was to be me, Macie, Allie, Cassy, and Archer, but Macie got sick and couldn't come. :( Then two other people showed up, one being Allie and Cassy's friend, and the other being that friend's friend. [Marcus and Grant].
Ready to go! (I liked my hair here, so I wanted a picture
before I stick on my wig xD JENNY YOU STILL NEED TO
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
New cut + SH phase
So as the title mentions, I did indeed get a haircut, and I now have bangs. It's really fun to play with because it's (for some reason) thick enough to pull across my forehead to create straight bangs where I look like an Egyptian! xD But I prefer to leave it off to one side. I look extra japanese, I think, with the bangs :B Anyways, the second part of the title refers to what I call "Silent Hill Phase." As in, I'm totally in love with Silent Hill at the moment, so I'm just watching a whole bunch of SH videos :) I like it because it has mind fawks and stuff that make the story interesting. Right now, I'm into SH6 Homecoming! >:3
Saturday, June 11, 2011
First of all : WTF. JASON PRACTICALLY SLEPT OVER. NOT EVEN JENNY GOT TO YET. >:I They played a lot of game. Seriously. I won't really go into detail about that, but he stayed until almost 7am if I remember correctly. I crashed a while before he left, I think. Anyways, after that, Jenny and I went to Alexis's house to play with her kitties~
My dad bought some Dango powder and sweet bean paste :3
Thursday, June 9, 2011
That kinda hurt. (Blood warning ^_^;)
So like, I was totally betrayed by my favorite knife, lol. ...Apples are round and kind of slippery, and so the knife slipped and cut my finger. Fortunately, Jason was also there, so he helped stop the bleeding while Brian ran around the house finding things to help with the bleeding (Brian said if Jason wasn't there, he'd call 911 out of panic-but I can't blame the guy, I was bleeding quite a bit ^^;) It was a little funny, now that I think about it..I was screaming for them not to run it under water first (because when I tried, the blood wouldn't stop flowing), but when that was over, I screamed for them not to use the hydrogen peroxide <<this one hurt quite a bit, but at least it cleaned out the wound. Although I did get dizzy and nauseous, I didn't cry xD
LOL Jason was gripping my arm so tightly that it left a print! xD
Saturday, June 4, 2011
ご免なさい, 私は怠惰な人です。 Orz
So I haven't updated in quite some time, I think. Mostly because I was lazy, ahaha... .__. Anyways, time to do a little recollecting of my memories these past few days.. LOL I just realized this is mostly a food entry-but hey, FOOD IS IMPORTANT.
I got around to eating the oranges my aunty brought.
'Tis a lovely color.. ♥
Jonie's mom's birthday was the other day, and she
gave us like, HALF of her cake! xDDDD THANK YOU SO
THE KIMCHEE. <<I can now make kimchee pancakes *w*
THE KIMCHEE. <<I can now make kimchee pancakes *w*
This was the lunch I made my mom (I've been making
her lunch all this week, actually, but this is the one I'm
most proud of! Contains rice, sausages, eggs, and unagi ^^
The picture I drew for Hiromichi for his birthday, since
I can't see him directly, I sent it to him on fb xD
My dad gave me some...chocolate things whose name
escapes my mind. Oh well, it was delicious, in any case. :9
My mom brought back-specifically chocolate chip-cookies~

Although Brian is the one who brought these smexy lil'
thangs (lol) my mom actually paid for them, so thank you
to both! xD
As I side note, I'm pretty happy, because Jonie has been coming over more often! It seems
my mom has finally accepted the fact that we will see her one way or another. xD
- おわり-
Sunday, May 29, 2011
お誕生日おめでとう, メイシーちゃん! xD
I had a GREAT time today at Macie's 16th birthday party~ To be honest, I was actually not planning on coming, but after Archer semi-blackmailed me, I ended up going too. My gift to her was a cute little Edward (FMA) phone charm! xD So me, Archer, and his sister Shanni (who gave me a SUPER EPIC ORANGE CHARM! \(>w<)/) headed over to Ala Moana beach park, which was where Macie's party took place. Anyways, I guess I'll talk about it as I go along~
I saw shelves of Bleach, Naruto, and..some other
stuff while shopping for Macie's gift ^^
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